When we regularly clean our body of those nasty toxins, we are able to hear what our body is trying to tell us. Most of us tidy up our homes on a daily basis, maybe once a week we do an overall clean and twice a year we try for a deep clean. Imagine if you neglected to do a daily, weekly or even a semi yearly cleaning of your house. What if you ignore the dirt, grime and dust that builds up. Now this process takes longer to remove all the build up.
Your body is asking the same. It knows what it needs to function properly but often we give it things that clog up our systems which then creates illness and when ignored creates a health crisis. Our body is trying to tell us that certain foods can make us sick, but are we listening?
What does cleansing our body of these toxins look like? When you hear the word cleanse does it make you think of taking the day off and spending your day close to a bathroom? Sure when we clean our house, we are tossing out the filth but when done properly taking a day off is not necessary.
We have some pretty amazing organs that help us to achieve this.
Kidneys filter excess toxins and The liver is the most
waste and release them through complex organ and
urine. largest detoxifier.
The intestines destroy parasites and other harmful organisms.
What does removing these bad guys look like?
The first step to cleaning out the toxins is to remove all the inflammatory and processed foods that hinder our organs to function properly and replace them with foods the body recognizes; food that is grown, not made in a factory.
Starting this process can look different for everyone. It can start with having one plant based meal a day or it may include a plant based meal once a week. You could incorporate a juice or a smoothie during your week.
What does your journey look like? In January I will be offering the opportunity to a program that will help our bodies to heal with food.
Please reach out to me at www.nourishedvitalitymn.com or you can email me at nourishedvitalitymn@gmail.com . You can text me at 952-239-8552.
With the New Year brings a New Healthy You!!!!